About CEO Space International

2020 To Present Day

As we moved into 2020, the untimely passing of our founder, Berny Dohrmann marked a poignant moment in our history. However, our resolve to uphold and expand his legacy remained unwavering. 

Our CEO embraced this shift and focused on the renewed vision  of CEO Space. What has become abundantly clear in this period of time is that in today’s landscape, effective business development demands that each impact-business is adaptable at its core.

The Ultimate Authority for Purpose-Driven Businesses.

With various proven models CEO Space is a guide for entrepreneurs; from humble beginnings to large-scale enterprise success, every step of your journey is intentionally supported, ensuring you realize the full depth of your vision.

CEO Space stands as the ultimate authority on entrepreneurial growth and development, and we proudly embrace our history and the remarkable achievements we’ve collectively created as a community of amazing people.

2008 – 2019: CEO Space International Inc.

The years between 2008 and 2019 were a period of strategic evolution and deepened impact for CEO Space International Inc. Shifting focus to comprehensive business operational teachings, we emphasized leadership and capital education, particularly within the stock/equity model.

Our forums, held in Henderson, Nevada, continued to support business owners with the same fervor as the 90s, fostering success and creating influential followings. We nurtured talents like Lisa Nichols and facilitated million-dollar book deals, and opened doorways and new opportunities to what many have dreamed of; empowering participants with everything they needed for success. This era is richly documented with numerous success stories available on YouTube.

1991 – 2007: Income Builders International (IBI)

The 1991-2007 period was a golden era for our organization, marked by wild success and impactful achievements. Known as Income Builders International (IBI), this time saw the birth of iconic projects and products, from “Chicken Soup for the Soul” to products like Airborne and at-home ovulation tests.

We played a pivotal role in nurturing what are now known as influencers, including Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, and T. Harv Eker. Our focus on capital education was paramount, ensuring participants understood the importance of over-compliance when raising capital. CEO Space became a hub for raising billions in new business ventures through education and networking, all under the banner of Cooperative Capitalism.

Berny Dohrmann’s mission crystalized during this time: to eradicate the virus of competition from the human mind and champion Cooperative Capitalism as a global force for good. IBI balanced personal growth and business development, making this a thriving era in our history.

Although Bob Proctor and Berny Dohrmann branched off during this time, their enduring friendship and continued mutual support remained a testament to their shared vision.

Founders: Berny Dohrmann & Bob Proctor

In 1988, the foundation of our visionary journey was laid with the inception of the Million Dollar Forum. Spearheaded by the innovative minds of Berny Dohrmann and Bob Proctor, this series of ten, 4-day forums in Quebec, Canada, marked a transformative period in business education and networking. Berny focused on teaching how to build robust revenue systems, while Bob emphasized the importance of mindset development. This era was characterized by the creation of a grand vision, leveraging networking game developments, classes, and a deep dive into the contrasting cultures of corporations versus competition. The core philosophy embraced the law of reciprocity, fostering a mindset that prioritizes mutual benefit and cooperative growth.

Meet Our Team

September Dohrmann

September Dohrmann, CEO of CEO Space, is celebrated for her knowledge in designing efficient operational architectures that form the backbone of successful, streamlined businesses. By blending her strategic approach to operations with personal transformational coaching, September establishes a solid foundation for sustainable growth and expansion, benefiting both the business and its owner. Additionally, she is a co-founder of TMIC, as she believes in its capacity to enhance and broaden CEO Space's mission while tackling many of humanity's current challenges in a fresh and modern way.

Domingo Silvas

Chief Growth Strategist
Domingo Silvas has been a dedicated member of CEO Space since 2004; attending an impressive 67 forums, and has experienced not one, but two highly successful outcomes as a result. His profound understanding of our community and his wealth of experience make him the perfect fit for his new role as Chief Growth Strategist (CGS). Domingo is poised to help us elevate the community to unprecedented heights, ensuring that every member maximizes their potential and achieves their entrepreneurial goals.

H.E. Baron Alec Stern

Chief Growth Advisor
H.E. Baron Alec Stern is an entrepreneur, speaker, mentor, and investor. He has become known as "America's Startup Success Expert". He's been a co-founder or founding team member of 8 startups with 5 exits - 2 IPOs and 3 acquisitions. As a primary member of Constant Contact's founding team Alec was one of the original 3 who started the company in an attic. Alec was with the company for 18 years from start-up, to IPO, to a $1.1 Billion-dollar acquisition.

Honoring Our Founder

Berny Dohrmann

Berny Dohrmann, a visionary leader and beloved mentor, left an indelible mark on the world through his transformative work with CEO Space International.

His passion for fostering cooperation over competition inspired countless entrepreneurs and thought leaders globally. Berny’s legacy continues to resonate, as his teachings and innovations empower new generations to achieve their dreams and create lasting impact.

Embark on your Entrepreneurial Journey with confidence, guided by the expertise of industry leaders.

Our Vision

Igniting Global Transformation
Through Cooperative Capitalism

Imagine a world where entrepreneurs, guided by the principles of cooperative capitalism, unite to drive global transformation and positive change. Together, we are creating a community of collaboration and driving meaningful global and social change.

Our Mission

Empowering Impact-Businesses
and Their Owners

By providing the necessary support, guidance, and tools, we aim to help you not just stabilize, scale, and thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape, but also to unlock your full potential as a leader and visionary.

Our Legacy Faculty

Our Legacy Faculty section honors the leaders and visionaries who have shaped our community over the years. These heart-centered individuals have shared their wisdom, insights, and expertise to foster growth, innovation, and collaboration within our community. 

H.E. Baron Alec Stern

Start-Up Expert

Barry Spilchuck


Bill Stierle

Emotional Intelligence and Thinking Styles Technology

Bill Wanek

Creative Director and Copywriter

Bob Harrison

Increase Activist

Bob Proctor

New Age Self-Help Author and Lecturer

Chad Lefevre

Founder of The Most Important Conversations

Cheri Tree


Cheryl Snapp Conner

SnappConner PR

Dan Clark

Professional Motivational Speaker, Author, and CEO

Dave Austin

Extreme Focus

David Corbin

Business Adviser

Dr. Bob Wright

Live Wright

Dr. David Gruder

Integrity Revolution

Dr. Hal Dibner

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Judith Wright

Live Wright

Dr. Kevin Ross Emery

Inspirational Catalyst

Dr. Lee Pulos

clinical psychologist

Eric Lofholm

The Ultimate Sales Coach

Erin Saxton

Emmy Nominated TV Producer

Eve Hogan

Teen Instructor

Forbes Riley

Award-Winning TV Talk Show Host

George Fraser

Chairman and CEO of FraserNet, Inc.

Gerry Foster

Gerry Foster Branding

Harry Lay

Trusted Advisor

Howard Lim

Authentic Brands®

Hugh Ballou

Leadership Development

Hyrum Smith


Iman Aghay

Success Road Academy

Jack Canfield

Author and Motivational Speaker

Jacque Jordan

Television Producer and Media Consultant

Jason Webb

IP Attorney

Jay Abraham

CEO of The Abraham Group, Inc

Jay Fiset

Mastermind Marketing

Jeff Magee

Executive and Corporate Development

Jill Lublin

Master Publicity Strategist

Jim Dygert

Financial Strategist

Joey Yap

Feng Shui Consultant

John Assaraf

The Brain Whisperer

John Gray

Relationship Counselor, Lecturer, and Author

Jon James

CEO at Ignited Results

June Davidson

The Coach's Coach

Justin Recla

Super Power Experts

Karen Leland

Personal Branding Expert

Karla Dennis

Tax Strategist

Kelli Holmes

TEAM Referral Network

Lauren Solomon

Image Consultant

Leland Val Vanderwall

Thought Leader

Les Brown

Politician and Motivational Speaker

Linda Clemons

Nonverbal Communications Expert

Lisa Nichols

Motivational Speaker

Loral Langemeier

Author of Fiscal-Help Books and Money Expert

Lou Dennig

Executive Producer

Maria Speth

IP Attorney

Mark Victor Hansen

Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, Trainer and Author

Marlon Paz

Broker-Dealer Regulation & Compliance Attorney

Mary Morrissey

Life Coach and Personal Development Expert

Michael Drew

New York Times Best-Sellers List Consultant

Michael E. Gerber

Author and Founder of Michael E. Gerber Companies

Michael Peterson

Country Music Artist

Michelle Pierson Young

Life Coach

Morley Mendleson

Business Law Attorney

Nathan Hirsch

Outsource School

Orna and Matthew Walters

Creating Love On Purpose

Pamela Edwards

Feng Shui Expert

Paul Lemberg

Entrepreneur Shaman + Business Alchemist

Penny Zenker

Productivity Accelerator Training

Randy Peyser

CEO, Author One Stop

Randy Tate

iFlip Invest

Robert Johnson

Business Consultant

Robert Kiyosaki

Businessman and Author

Ron Heagy

Quadriplegic Painter and Motivational Speaker

Ron Vance

Securities and Business Attorney

Russell C. Weigel, III

Florida's Chief Financial Regulator

Sharla Jacobs

CEO at Thrive Academy

Sharon L. Lechter

Financial Literacy Advocate and Successful Businesswoman

Sherita Herring

Business Strategist and Nonprofit Expert

Steve Farber

Business Strategist and Nonprofit Expert

Steve Meyers

Founder of Extreme Leadership Institute

T. Harv Eker

Specialty Counsel-Securities Compliance

Tiffany Largie

Business Trainings and Secrets of Millionaire Minds

Tom Hazzard

CEO of Do The Damn Thing

Tony Bodoh

Podcast Production

Tonya Dawn Recla

Strategy Architect

Tracy Hazzard

Super Power Experts

Vincent Molina

Business Strategist

Wendy Darling

Relationship & Transformational Results Expert

Wendy Dibner

Impact Strategist for Entrepreneurs

Wendy Ida

Fitness Expert, TV Host, Lifestyle Coach